What will You Experience on The Princess Diana Museum Virtual Tour?
The Princess Diana Museum is the home to one of the largest collections around the world with over 1,700 iconic, carefully curated, personal and historic artifacts of Princess Diana. Everything is displayed in a 3D interactive environment.
The artifacts cover the Diana’s lifetime –from the early childhood time through the teenage years until her tragic death. The Princess Diana Museum depicts and celebrates her incredible lifestyle and vibrant legacy. The personal historic items of Princess Diana are currently on display and available 24/7.
As soon as you get inside the museum, you’ll be guided by a real time location map and virtual avatars In English or Spanish. On your virtual tour to The Princess Diana Museum, an exclusive community chat and video feature will be provided. It encourages visitors to share their real time experiences.
In addition, there are over exclusive interviews with Princess Diana’s friends, designers, artists and closet collaborators available. It will help you get a unique insight into one of the most famous icons in modern history.
The main objective of the Princess Diana Museum virtual tour is to unite people from all around the world and inspire them to treat others with kindness and help others while expecting nothing like the way Princess Diana lived her legacy.
The sudden peak of COVID-19 has forced the founders at The Princess and The Platypus Foundation to make access to the Princess Diana Museum virtually. Though everyone is intended to practice social distancing, taking a virtual tour to the Princess Diana Museum allows everyone to connect with each other. It will not only help your mind off from all the bad news out there; but will help you intact in a museum environment while giving back in Princess Diana’s honor.
Rest assured that, the Princess Diana Museum virtual tour works perfectly with your internet broadband connection and any operating system i.e. PC/Mac/iOS/Android on any popular desktop, laptop or tablet internet browser. You can also find behind the scenes of the Princess Diana Museum at http://ThePrincessAndThePlatypus.org/. Visit the Princess Diana Museum website to buy the discounted access memberships.
The Princess Diana Museum and The Princess & The Platypus Foundation are 501c3 US public charity organizations and all your contributions are tax deductible in the US. Our main aim is to fundraise for acquiring, maintaining, preserving, educating and displaying the public items of historic and cultural interests of Princess Diana, Princess of Wales and giving back to other charities in her honor. For more information about the available access to the Princess Diana Museum, feel free to visit our website at https://princessdianamuseum.org/.
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